People who visit this web site (some statistics)

For those out there who are interested in statistics, or want to know more about the other readers of this web site, I’ve put together a little overview of the visitors.

It contains information about countries people come from, what platform they’re on and what web browsers they are using.

These statistics are from the first nine months of 2006, so I think they’re a fairly good representation of the average values.

Where people come from

The United States are in a strong lead here, with UK coming in at a second place; just behind UK is my home country, Sweden, in a proud third place. Looking at the list here, you might understand why I’ve chosen English instead of Swedish to write in, and understand why I’m happy about that choice.

Geo Location: United States 33.38%, United Kingdom 10.89%, Sweden 7.51%, Canada 5.01%, Netherlands 4.63%, Australia 3.94%, France 2.96%, Brazil 2.75%, (other) 25.08%


Not surprisingly, Windows are in first place here. Noteworthy, though, is the high percentage of Mac users, and especially Linux users with a whopping four percent.

Platform Versions: Windows 82.29%, Macintosh 13.32%, Linux 4.03%.

Web browsers

Yes, I’ve saved the (probably) most interesting to last: what web browsers people are using. Why I think this is particularly interesting is that the web browsers web standards-aware web developers use differ substantially from what “regular” users on the internet surf with. So, here goes:

Browser Versions: Firefox 53.81%, Internet Explorer 32.54%, Safari 7.52%, Opera 3.75%.

I just wish the spread between web browsers was more representative for the whole web, so there would be some more competition and balance between web browser vendors. But we’re getting there, don’t worry. πŸ™‚


PS. I’m sure some people will just think this is some kind of bragging, but to me it’s rather about being grateful for reaching out to a lot of people. So, thanks for reading! DS.


  • Robert dM says:

    funny how Opera doesn't seems to be able to catch on, even among developers…

    p.s. if you can't even brag on your own blog, where can you… πŸ™‚

  • Robin says:

    Opera has very few developer tools, which seems to be why developers don't use it.

  • Martin says:

    I think you'd be pleasantly surprised by the 'regular' browser stats. My site is a diving site, with a few imaging and css pages I've added from things I've learnt in the last 6 months, so pretty much in your regular category. Amazingly Firefox accounts for 32% over the last 5 months since, I've been monitoring.

    And let's face it; I don't know anyone who, having changed, has changed back to IE … none. As IE7 is playing catchup, with nothing new to give us, the Firefox stat will only go up.

  • Nice stats Robert.

    What tracking tool are you using by the way? Or did you write some widget yourself?

    Those graphs look fancy πŸ˜‰

  • Very interesting, I'm actually surprised at the percentage of Windows and especially IE users. Given your majority audience, I'd definately have execpted IE to be lower again. Perhaps less focused search engine traffic drives the volume up?

    And I don't see how its bragging since you've not said 1m uniques per month or anything like that. Thx for sharing πŸ™‚

  • […] who visit this web site (some statistics) Robert Nyman has published People who visit this web site (some statistics) on his bl […]

  • Nick Cowie says:

    Robert, I just did the same analysis on my blog stats and came back with surprisingly similar results (once you take out the bias of the local Macbook using Western Australian Web Standards Mafia).

  • BjÃ&Aci says:

    As Martin noted, things are changing in the non-developer society as well (in my case primarily a kayaking site). In my log IE has lost from some 92-93% a couple of years ago to 63% – Firefox is now 29%.

  • Hello Robert,

    I'm from Brazil and always visit his site.

    It's a reference for me and my studies.


  • zcorpan says:

    Too bad the information of the graphs aren't available without seeing the images… And even then the images are cropped in narrow windows. πŸ™

    Proposed new alt texts:

    "Geo Location: United States 33.38%, United Kingdom 10.89%, Sweden 7.51%, Canada 5.01%, Netherlands 4.63%, Australia 3.94%, France 2.96%, Brazil 2.75%, (other) 25.08%."

    "Platform Versions: Windows 82.29%, Macintosh 13.32%, Linux 4.03%."

    "Browser Versions: Firefox 53.81%, Internet Explorer 32.54%, Safari 7.52%, Opera 3.75%."

    The current alt texts could be appropriate for title="", FWIW.

  • Devon says:

    I'm curious…can you find out what percentage of the Mozilla/Mozilla compatible, is Minefield? I wouldn't ask this about most sites, but considering you have a lot of developers visiting and a lot of them use Firefox, I wonder how many might visit using Minefield sometimes. I know I surf the net once in a while with it.

  • Johan says:

    I am pretty sure most people that have similar stats. I believe we could say most webdesigners, developers might have pretty the same visitor behaviour, the ones that have their own site, and have left their URL in someone's comments or other ways of social linking.

  • Robert Nyman says:

    Robert dM, Robin,

    Yes, it seems like Opera isn't very popular amongst web developers. I don't know if lack of tools is a great factor or not, but personally, I've just never liked it.


    Sounds good!

    I was working on a major Swedish web site last fall, and the second most popular web browser visiting it was Netscape 4… πŸ™‚


    The graphs are taken from Google Analytics, one of several statistics tool I use.


    I think many of the IE users are from search engine hits as well. And yes, 1 million unique visitors per month would be nice. I'm just below it right now… πŸ˜‰


    Nice. I'd like if this would become an actually interesting sort of meme… πŸ™‚


    That's great!




    Apparently I was too lazy to write proper <code>alt</code> texts, but now when you did it for me, I've updated the post with proper ones… πŸ™‚


    To bee honest, I haven't seen any trace of Minefield in my stats at all. However, with Google Analytics I also don't know how to dive more detailed into the (other) part. If anyone knows, tips are greatly appreciated!


    Yes, I think these stats are probably very similar across web developer sites.

  • Anders says:

    Just a comment on the stats. Writing in english means you are probably excluding a bunch of swedes…

  • Jens Meiert says:

    (Only having the choice between pie and bar charts, better take bar charts for somewhat easier comparison… I really wonder why Urchin uses pie charts as default.)

  • Robert Nyman says:


    Absolutely, although I think most Swedes interested in what I'm writing don't have a hard time grasping it if it's in English.


    Ah, but pie charts are pretty. πŸ™‚

  • zcorpan says:

    Sorry for going further off-topic, but appearently there's something with your JS that whipes out the alt text… Just FYI.

  • Robert Nyman says:


    It's a setting I've used with GLT to make sure <code>alt</code> texts will never show up as tooltips in IE. Not sure if I will keep this setting or not…

  • Kanashii says:

    Maybe I can be the first of your readers to use Camino 1.1a1 or at least the first Aussie : )

  • Robert Nyman says:


    I have some Camino users, but it seems rather likely that you're at least the first Aussie with that specific version. πŸ™‚

  • Stephen Hill says:

    Excellent Stats πŸ™‚

    Are there any stats to show the people who read your feeds via RSS?



  • Robert Nyman says:


    Not as detailed. It’s more about a myriad of RSS readers than anything else… πŸ™‚

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