Code libraries
The most current code and experiments are available on GitHub.
JavaScript series
- JavaScript inheritance – how and why
- JavaScript namespacing – an alternative to JavaScript inheritance
- Explaining JavaScript scope and closures
- JavaScript: how to get private, privileged, public and static members (properties and methods)
- JavaScript inheritance – experimenting with syntax alternatives and private variables
HTML5 demos & tests
- HTML5 example with new elements and WAI-ARIA landmark roles
- Canvas
- Custom data attributes
- File API for reading file information and selecting multiple files
- File API for choosing, uploading, previewing and seeing progress for multiple files
- Geolocation – show current location
- Geolocation – show directions
- History API
- localStorage & sessionStorage (Web Storage)
- Offline Web Applications
- Online/Offline events
- Online polling
- postMessage
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- Video
- Web Workers
CSS3 demos & tests
- CSS3 Animations – simple
- CSS3 Animations – with keyframes, iterations and more
- CSS3 background-size
- CSS3 background-clip/background-origin
- CSS3 border-colors
- CSS3 border-image
- CSS3 border-radius (rounded corners)
- CSS3 box-sizing
- CSS3 calc()
- CSS3 Drop shadow
- CSS3 Flexible Box Layout Module
- CSS3 font-face
- CSS3 gradients
- CSS3 media queries
- CSS3 Multi Column Layout
- CSS3 Multiple backgrounds
- CSS3 outline-offset
- CSS3 Pointer events
- CSS3 resize
- CSS3 text-shadow
- CSS3 Transitions simple
- CSS3 Transitions rotation
- CSS3 Transitions – Mac OS X Stacks
- CSS3 word-wrap
JavaScript tests & compatibility tables
- All JavaScript tests & Compatibility tables
- JavaScript 1.6
- JavaScript 1.7
- JavaScript 1.8
- JavaScript 1.8.1
- Getters and setters, and Object.defineProperty
- DOM Storage / Web Storage
- Native JSON
Firefox extensions
- Firefinder
- Flickr Gallery Plus!
- HTML Validator (Jetpack)
- Inline Code Finder
- Inline Code Finder for Firebug
- Obtrusive JavaScript Checker
Google Chrome extensions
- Flickr Gallery Plus! for Google Chrome
- HTML Validator for Google Chrome
- Inline Code Finder for Google Chrome
Greasemonkey userscripts
JavaScript projects
JavaScript assorted
JavaScript badges
JavaScript concept libraries
- AJAX Suggestions
- ASK – AJAX Source Kit
- FaT – Focus at This
- GLT – Good-Looking Tooltips
- JaS -JavaScript slides
Adobe AIR applications
Code and library release posts
- AJAX Suggestions – a new JavaScript library for you
- ASK – AJAX Source Kit
- DOMAss – The DOM assistant
- EJ – Essential JavaScript
- ELO – Encapsulated Load Object
- FaT-Focus at This – advanced JavaScript focusing library
- getElementsByAttribute
- getElementsByClassName
- Get the rendered style of an element
- GLT – Good-Looking Tooltips
- JaS -JavaScript slides