In this web site I have collected various JavaScript tests, to display code samples, have them run and check web browser compatibility.
Method/feature | Web browser support |
Array extras: | |
The indexOf method |
The lastIndexOf method |
The every method |
The filter method |
The forEach method |
The map method |
The some method |
Array and String generics: | |
Array generics |
String generics |
Method/feature | Web browser support |
Generators |
Iterators |
Array comprehensions |
Using let for block scope |
Destructuring assignment |
Destructuring assignment with let statement |
Method/feature | Web browser support |
Expression closures |
Generator expressions |
Array extras: | |
reduce |
reduceRight |
Method/feature | Web browser support |
Object.getPrototypeOf |
String extras: | |
The trim method |
The trimLeft method |
The trimRight method |
Method/feature | Web browser support |
Regular getters and setters: | |
Object literal notation |
Object notation |
On DOM elements |
Object.defineProperty: | |
On Objects |
On DOM elements |
Method/feature | Web browser support |
sessionStorage |
localStorage |
Method/feature | Web browser support |
Native JSON: | |
JSON.parse |
JSON.stringify |