Making an impression
Yesterday, when I got out to take my bike to the train station, I realized that I had a flat back tire. Well, shit happens, so I took our worned out borrowed second car instead. No sweat.
After I’d worked for a couple of hours, it was time for my team’s 10.00 meeting. It was with the Marketing Director of the company where I’m currently doing some consultant work, a semi-large and well-known company here in Sweden, with around 1500 employees in the nordic countries.
I was sitting in the meeting room when the Marketing Director came in, held out his hand to me and said:
-Hi, good to meet you, Johan. (Say what?) -Eh, well, my name is Robert.
We shook hands, and the introductory part of the meeting was over. We talked for maybe an hour or so, planning a new web site and the development for it during this Summer. At the end of the meeting, he turns to me, and says
-So, Patrik, when's your vacation? (Surely, he must be kidding now) -Robert. My name's Robert. -Uh, oh well, sorry.
Worked for about an hour after that and then we went to lunch. We frequently go to a pasta/salad place that have really good food, and usually I use my credit card to pay. Since it’s a pretty small restaurant, it’s stressfull (naturally), so their routine is to take the credit card, swipe it when the line’s gone and then return it to your table, and for you to sign the slip.
After lunch, we walked back to the office in the tremendous heat that has been present in Stockholm for about two weeks now. Once back, trying to get out my key card to get into the office, I realize that I never got my credit card back…
A 20 minute walk later, sweating fervently now, I got the credit card back and once again went back to the office.
On the way home from work, it’s always a hassle since the commuting company here in Sweden, SL, have very few departures per hour since everyone and his mother here go on vacation in July. I got out of the subway and walked briskly to the train station. The train was already in and I ran to the door and pressed the opening button. Nothing happened. Then I saw the conductor board the train through one of the other doors and it left. Next train was due in half an hour…
I’m normally pretty intense and engaged in what I do, people usually notice me. I like to see myself as the Henry Rollins of web developing (sorry for the comparison, Henry :-)).
Ever had one of those days when it seems like no one notices about you? Like you don’t do any impression at all?
Seems to me you forgot your "worned out borrowed second car" at your work, taking the train back home. π
Actually Tom, it sounds like he took the car to the train station. So he was trying to catch the train home to the station where he left his car.
Peter is correct, I took the car to the train station. π
But given how the day went, it wouldn't have been a surprise to me if I had forgotten the car at work as well… π
So in the US we eliminate these personal inconveniences by driving to work, driving to lunch, and driving home, but create a global problem in the process. Sorry your day went so badly, Roger π
Yes, I'm aware of the US process, but you're far from the only ones when it comes to that… π
And I assume the "Roger" thing is a joke, otherwise I think I'm gonna cry… π
Wow, such a day you had.. my front bike tire is kinda flat too.. gotta repair it. Goosh.
And how can you just give away your credit card when Metro (or was it Stockholm City) had the front cover saying something like "Credit card fraud increases"? :O (nah, just joking π )
Well.. hope everything will go better tomorrow then. π
And yes, I actually think the newspaper article about credit card fraud was the actual same day. π
Bad Robert!
Don't cry Robert, I know your name…I gave a wink. And if this makes you feel better — my car had a flat tire yesterday morning. Had to take the '65 Mustang to work.
Yeah, I saw the wink, but I just had to ask since I got a little paranoid since yesterday… π
And I'm sorry to hear about your car, that's way worse than a flat tire on a bike.