A baby named Google
Yes, that’s right folks. A baby named Google, and he has already got his own web page.
If I have one more child, maybe his/her name should be Semantics. Or Semantica…
Stranger things have happened…
Yes, that’s right folks. A baby named Google, and he has already got his own web page.
If I have one more child, maybe his/her name should be Semantics. Or Semantica…
Stranger things have happened…
Google Kai – That's very sad and pathetic.
Given the fathers profession, it would also appear to be a shameless and heartless attempt at self promotion – using his new born son as a commodity!?
It could be worse, I suppose. But, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Google Kai reaches puberty. I'll bet that name becomes G. Kai with no explanations offered. With kids you can only control so much and only for so long.
Steve, anon,
Well, we'll see. I don't want to be judgemental, but it's certainly not a name I'd choose.
However, it least it's not his first name (it's his second middle name), so I guess he can use his first name, Oliver, if it comes to that.
well i guess it is his third name…so calm down guys
oliver chrisitan google kai