Speaking performances

Ok, after the thing we do not speak about, I feel at least a little more stable.
Just wanted to let you know about two upcoming speaking performances for me.

Know IT, November 24th, 17.00
This will an internal performance for people working at Know IT in Sweden, but if you’ve missed it, it’s on Thursday this week.
Swenug, December 1st, 17.00
I’ll be making a speaking performance at a SWENUG meeting December 1st. Some would label this as fraternizing with the enemy; I regard it as an opportunity to reach out and explain the problems and what to think of when working with .NET and wanting to deliver valid and accessible code. Anyway, it’s free (I think you need to register, but as far as I know, that’s for free too)!


While I’m very happy and grateful to get these opportunities to “spread the word”, I still find it kind of sad that it’s even neccessary to evangelize about such obvious things as the benefits of CSS, semantic code etc. It’s like having a lecture for some handymen explaining about hammers and they’d go:

– Oooohhhhhh. Nice. People use these nowadays?

One would’ve thought by now that the discussion would be about how to make cutting edge things with these tools, not explaining what they are to begin with.

Anyway… I’m glad for the opportunity, and if you feel like it, I’d be happy if you were to show up December 1st!


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