How to get a good search engine ranking
With the humble title of this post, I guess I really need to add that these ways mentioned below are the ones I’ve experienced to be very reliable to get a good search engine ranking. Naturally it varies a lot, but I get somewhere between 28 – 45% of my visitors from pure Google searches, out of just having a high ranking (and sometimes for terms that amaze me :-)). These are my advices:
- Semantic code
- Make sure you write semantically correct code, meaning that you need to use the correct element for the right situation. It is all about how you mark the words you are using, and how and in what context you want them to be interpreted.
- Friendly URLs
Make sure you have URLs with a good descriptive value, as opposed to one being made up of just a lot of parameters. There are different tools and settings to achieve this in most, if not all, web development environments. For instance, these two links both lead to the same web page:
This is a good URL:
and this is a bad one:
- Get mentioned
- If you get mentioned with good words in an appropriate context, especially from a web site that has a good PageRank, it will help push you up the search engine list.
These are the only tips I can give you; basically, it’s just about good web development practises and maintaining good relations with other web site owners.
I’m sure there are good SEO companies out there, but the ones I’ve come across have all been unprofessional and/or been using very suspicious methods. And as soon Google update their algorithms, there’s a big chaos when some SEO’s dubious work fail, since some of their tricks have been found out and taken care of. Then, naturally, it backfires so their customers get a very bad search engine ranking.
Just do as I suggest above; code properly and you will be safe. Look around to see how good search engine ranking most web developing blogs get, just because they know how to implement a web site in a correct manner.
Come on, give us a bad example
Sure, but only since you asked for it. Recently the web site was brought to my attention. If you navigate to their web site and disable CSS in your web browser (
Ctrl/Command + Shift + s
is one way to do it if you use the Web Developer extension in Firefox), alternatively view the source code of the page.
In the footer, you will then find a link with the text “y”, which leads to the page . Make sure to turn off JavaScript in your web browser and navigate to that page and you will not believe your eyes: a little link farm. If you surf around those links you will, amongst others, find the names of some fairly large Swedish companies, and the best thing of it all: the name of the SEO company in the title bar.
So, go check out the code of your own web site right now, or ask your SEO what methods they use.
Nice article, Robert. Too many unsuspecting people fall for the shady SEOs and suffer badly in the end. It's kind of sad, since the key to good search engine ranking is basically just have good development, good content, and lots of patience.
And yeah, looking through logs is fun. It's amazing some searches that send people to your site. π
PS: I like the JS comment preview.
s/have/having/ in my first paragraph. I'll have to start proofreading comments some time. π
Good advice, I'm sure of that – tho' getting 'mentioned' (=linked) on established sites is easier to say than achieve π
And that unethical SEO stuff makes me sick. I hope you reported them to google?!
Several months ago, I was given a link to a site that had several hundred SEO keywords at the top of the page, hidden via CSS. Talk about playing unfairly…
A problem I have is that my host's htaccess is farked, so I can't use clean URLs. I don't worry about it too much, though, since my site isn't terribly important at this point in time. Maybe if it ever becomes more important I'll make a point of pushing myself up the search rankings…
And with this post subject "How to get a good search engine ranking" you probably will get even more hits from google, Good work Robert!
A SEO extension that i can recommend for firefox.…
Nice summary Robert, but the hard part of all this is not really the coding, it's getting people to acctually visit your site. You've done a good job there π
I use the Search Status plugin for firefox and it works well.
I had a doubt when I was coding the platform for my blog and I still have it…
Is there any actual difference in terms of Search Engine Optimization between these two urls:
(with the title of the post included in the <code>title</code> element of the page, inside the document's <code>head</code>)
I know which one is more usable for the user (1st one) but I'm wondering if it's relevant for a clever search bot…
andr3, yes it is, use if possible.
Thanks! And I'm happy you like the preview! π
It's meant to be there for proofreading… π
Yes, that part about being mentioned is definitely the hard part. π
I haven't reported them to Google, but I'm sure other has. There has been some ruckus in Swedish media about that SEO company lately.
That sounds like a terrible example.
Regarding htaccess, I hope that problem will be solved for you in the future.
Yes, the title of this will probably help. π
And thanks for answering andr3's question!
Thanks for the tip!
Thank you!
Yes, friendly URLs and good headings go a long way for SEO in my experience. I have some funny search terms find me too and some are repeated so I wish they'd just add me to favorites or something. No, the biggest trick is getting people to your site and then hoping that they will link to you. Networking is a great help for personal blogs.
Good to see that we share the same opinions of what works! π
Google knows that SEO firm are naughty people – their page isn't in the index π
Good to hear! π
The linkfarm link appears to have gone now, but I noticed this at the top of the source:
In other words, their SEO experts can't even spell Googlebot π
The linkfarm is still there, you just have to have JavaScript disabled in your web browser to see it, otherwise you're just redirected.
I, on the other hand, couldn't find that <code>meta</code> tag you mention; it has probably been fixed then.
What a shame for that SEO company to redirect users by JavaScript! Really professional SEO companies always use server-side redirects π
Yes, absolutely! π
One more bad example of SEO: Google Caught Cloaking. This is a pretty old article dated 7th Mar 2005. It produced heavy resonance in SEO world those days.
You will not find anything wrong with the Google page mentioned in that article now. But I saw with my own eyes the proof of what Google was charged of.
I've tried to find <a href="* /" rel="nofollow">example of the archived page on Internet Archive WayBack Machine but it was surprisingly blocked by Google for archiving.
So for me it is evident Google uses (or has been used) double standards for SEO guidelines.
Thanks for sharing! π
Inciteful stuff – Google are evil after all..
UK Gambling Forum
One of the things that caught my attention, is the fact that sites with relevant content and a high page rank will have a bigger effect on the page rank of your own site then unrelated high ranked sites
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
[…] on, you should never forsake the usability of your web site for it. Related reading How to get a good search engine ranking (and please, compare how g […]
[…] bound to happen sooner or later. I’ve written more about my personal experiences in How to get a good search engine ranking. The questions With all […]
Good article,
This happend to me when i got my site SEO'd. I ended up getting removed from google π
Thanks for sharing!
[…] I thought it would be interesting to give some examples of how some terms, from my posts, are ranked in Google; both funny and more serious ones. It seems like I know How to get a good search engine ranking. […]