Geek meet in Stockholm
Updated location!
The geek meet has gotten a sponsor that offers a place to be, food and drink. Not bad, eh? 🙂 The new location is: adocca entertainment, Södermälarstrand 57B, floor 6, and the time is 19.00.
Ok, this idea might crash and burn so hard, therefore I just felt I had to do it! 🙂
The idea is to have a very informal gathering of people located in, or visiting, the Stockholm area who are interested in web standards, semanctics, accessibility etc. It will be a time for people to meet and discuss, get to know people and share experiences. The meeting will take place on April 25th at 17.00, most likely at my employer’s office in Kungsgatan adocca entertainment, Södermälarstrand 57B, floor 6, and the time is 19.00.
Does this sound interesting to you? If yes, please write a comment letting me know if you’re coming!
So, if this doesn’t fail miserably, I really look forwarding to meeting you then! 🙂
Hi Robert!
Great initiative. I'll be there! See you then.
Count me in.
You should blackmail that Roger bloke into being there. 😉
This will be very interesting, count me in scottie! 😉
That's also the day when the monthly salary comes.. Maybe a couple of beers will join us? :p
<blockquote cite="Phil Sherry">you will be there, same as me – Phil Sherry
Not sure if it was a threat or not, but I'm not taking any chances, so count me in.
That's the spirit, Teddy.
Sounds like great fun, but unfortunately it's in the wrong city… Maybe there is enough interest to arrange a similar thing in Gothenburg?
That's exactly two days too early for me 😉
But I guess we'll have an extra meeting on the Saturday after the 25th 😀
Hmm … will there be coffee and cookies … ? I'll try to be there. Can't make any promises. 😉
Sounds great! Count me in.
Nice! I'll be there.. I think the rest of the company will too, so 3 persons from Winston Design
Sounds fun, why not. 😉
I really wish I could make it, but I can't. 🙁
I'd love to join, but the way is too long 🙁
Events like this makes me really wish I lived in STHLM, not Falköping 🙂
I can proabably come.
Like Kalle, I would love to be there but distance is a bit of an issue.
I was thinking just the other day that I know of quite a few highly respectable Web-heads from northwestern Europe (Sweden, Norway, UK) but not many from other portions of Europe. Has anyone else noticed this?
Good Luck!
Nice! I'll be there. Should we bring something? 🙂
Ok, I'll see if I can convince a client to have a meeting in Stockholm on the 25th.
If you're going to make this "web 2.0" you should podcast it. 😉
I´ll be there, with a friend 🙂 and hopping to make some new ones.
Love the idea – Can't make it though (too far away for me as well)
I would love to be there, but unfortunately it's too far away since I live in Malmö. If someone feels like arranging such a thing in the Malmö/Lund region, please let me know 🙂
I won't be there, but:
We've got a couple of these booze-and-nerds things in London, like pub standards or the php meetup, and they're always quite fun, no matter if it's a good handful of people or 2 dozen. Usually more booze than tech-talk, but that's the whole idea, no?
Oh my, this was more than I had hoped for! So I guess we'll be about 15 people then, which is very nice! We'll meet initially in Know IT's office in Kungsgatan 72, and then we'll see what happens.
Don't expect anything too organized, it's just a very casual thing, and then maybe going out for some beers or so. 🙂
Yeah, I'm sorry about that. 🙂
We'll make up for it on the following Friday or maybe Saturday.
Yes, I've reflected on that as well. Although, it has to be said that the Netherlands has got a fair amount of talented people too.
Nah, just money for beer, I guess. 🙂
No, please don't use that term! 🙂
And it will be very casual and plain socializing, so a podcast would just be weird… 🙂
Oh, that too! Getting to know like-minded people.
This kind of event inspires me to do the same thing. The only fact that really breaks my dream is that my home town, Falköping, is a small town (10-15k inhabitants) and I wouldn't be too surprised if I didn't see any new faces. 🙂
Yes, that's one of the benefits of living in a larger city; most of the time, new faces to see.
I will certainly try to be there. Such great initiatives must be honored!
You're welcome! 🙂
Interesting location 😀
I once again realised that's the day when the salary comes.. will be so f**king awesome this! 😀 See ya there! 😉
Yeah, isn't it. 🙂
Martin S,
Well, of course! 🙂
Looking forward to this geekmeet. Count me in!
Great! 🙂
Great initiative Robert! I'll be there and I look forward to meeting you all!
I'll be there.
Peter, Jim,
Super! 🙂
Oh. Darn. I would really like to be there but wont be up in sthlm until 1st of june. I hope you guys arrange more meetups!
That might just happen! 🙂
I'll be there.
Very nice! 🙂
If I can convince my friend (who I am supposed to meet on Tuesday) to join me, I'll be there too.
Cool, I hope it works out for you (given that your friend is slightly interested, that is)! 🙂
Only one day left.. and i have counted fifteen who has said they will be there and three who will try to get there.. this will be really nice!
And oh – I almost forgot – the paycheck came today! 😀
Yes, and then hopefully everyone shows up as well… 🙂
Things are shaping up nicely at the office for tonight's meet. As mentioned above, food and drink will be provided.
Looking forward to seeing everyone later on, and I'm seriously interested to see the outcome of Teddy's semantics discussion!
Cool. 🙂
[…] st write about the great initiative Robert Nyman has done by organising and invite us to a Geek meet in Stockholm. It was fun, lots of geeks spent hours debating if a date i […]
Okay, well, the geeks are still meeting while I type this. Actually, I think Robert is passed out on the floor after just two beers. The evening was a success, and new friendships were born. Here's to many more!
Anyway, I started a Flickr group, which will hopefully grow over the coming months. You can fins it here. See y'all at the next one!
[…]Last night we held the first Geek Meet in Stockholm. In my experience, it was an immense success, if for nothing […]
[…] este o întâlnire a pasionatilor de web development & co. si a avut loc pentru prima oar? la Stockholm, în aprilie 2006, la initiativa lui Robert Nyman iar în România a fost organizat prima dat? de […]
[…] “o întâlnire a pasionatilor de web development & co. si a avut loc pentru prima oar? la Stockholm, în aprilie 2006, la initiativa lui Robert Nyman. In Romania a fost organizata prima întâlnire […]
[…] este o întâlnire a pasionatilor de web development & co. si a avut loc pentru prima oar? la Stockholm, în aprilie 2006, la initiativa lui Robert Nyman. Ne-a pl?cut ideea, i-am cerut lui Robert […]
[…] and idea sharing with the held presentations. Theoretically, the first meeting was held at Stockholm, in April 2006, on Robert Nyman’s initiative. Such events also took place around here, from […]
[…] este o întâlnire a pasionatilor de web development & co. si a avut loc pentru prima oar? la Stockholm, în aprilie 2006, la initiativa lui Robert […]
[…] unor astfel de întâlniri îi apar?ine lui Robert Nyman, care a organizat primul eveniment marca GeekMeet în Stockholm, în aprilie 2006. Ini?iativa a devenit popular? ?i în rândul web developerilor din România, […]
[…] Meet, inspirerade av Robert Nyman. Han började arrangera små Geek Meet-träffar i Stockholm redan 2006, och numera tar platserna till hans arrangemang i Stockholm slut på […]