Thanks for reading – a new all-time high
I’m a little late telling you this, but as of lately this web site has been more popular than ever. Part of why a lot of people found their way here was because of my EJ – The only JavaScript library you’ll ever need post; according to one of my statistics tool, the peak was a bit over 4000 unique visitors one day, and according to the other, just below 4000. S0 let’s say 4000 even, ok? 🙂
Either way, I just wanted to thank you all for reading, old readers as well as new ones. I hope to be to your liking for a foreseeable future as well.
Again, thanks!
Well, congratulations Robert!
I myself have a strong 10 returning visitors to my blog, mostly friends and family who I bribe and threaten to make them read it. My excuse is that I write in Swedish and on subjects like parenthood and parent leave. not super hot subject like javascript and such.
Keep on the good work!
Good to see you here! 😀
I hope everything's well with you!
We'll, I try to stay updated by once in a while visiting you blog. So that I can fool gui developers that I actually know something about gui development technologies. I always refer to you and your blog, so I might have contributed with a handful of visitors 🙂
Congrats, Robert!
Keep up the good work, I'm still enjoying reading you 🙂
Thank you, I appreciate it. Please let me know next time you visit Stockholm.
Thanks, I'm glad to hear that!
it's well deserved. I have to admit amongst all the blogs I read, yours is one to two which I always keep until last to read. And yes it's a matter of keeping the best 'till last :-).
Usually I keep the best for last too, but I'm too greedy, and you're my first read (FF live bookmarks helps to keep me updated).
So congratulations Robert, it is well deserved!
Though, I don't think I found you searching about Javascript.. it was probably regarding css or Firefox, and I know for sure I haven't sent anyone your way (although I've mentioned you) LOL. With just returning to blogging, I have less than 10 readers than Oscar! 😀 But.. it's better than trying to get them through those credit surfing places, I'm done with them.. no time.
What I really like about your blog: You interact with your readers! Even though we all know you're pretty busy, you take the time to respond, and to take care of us 😀
Robert DM,
Aw, thanks! 😀
Ha ha, thanks! 😀
I'm glad that you like it, and good luck with your blog too!
You're a SuperStar! Seriously, you're an interesting and prolific writer…your traffic is well deserved. I still can't figure out how you find time to write as often as you do…and still have a job and family. (Maybe if I quite playing video games I'd have more time to write…LOL)
– Shane
Hello. I love your!