In memory of Lena Nyman
Last week my aunt, my father’s sister, Lena Nyman passed away.
She spent her entire life being an actress, playing everything from theater, comedy, and provocative roles to very serious dramas. She has left an enormous legacy for actors and actresses in Sweden, and it is almost unbelievable to see how she has affected people.
For me, every time I got the pleasure of seeing her perform – especially in theaters – I was so proud. She was just an ordinary person, my aunt, you know, but on stage she completely shined and I was silent with awe and impression. She was a truly amazing actress.
As a child, I remember when she gave me and my brother clothes from various performances, which we played around in, trying to act as artists. Although we tried to come off as members in a rock band, some of her attires work perfectly for that too. And now she’s gone.
Thank you for your gift.
Rest in peace, Lena.