The year was 1983. I was 9 years old. I used to visit my paternal grandmother who lived in the city, and every time I came by she would take me to the movies, which was wonderful! It was the time when I learned to love both movies and cinemas. Continue reading
I’ve worked with Developer Relations for many years now, and I think it’s a fascinating topic with many takes on what it is and how to do it! I wanted to share my view on it here, and what I think it encompasses.
I’ve been following the stories on #MeToo, listening and talking to a lot of people, and have been trying to gather my thoughts.
First, no one should ever have to feel unsafe. Ever. I’m so saddened to hear all the stories and testimonies, women being treated unfairly, as less worthy or as just being there for men’s entertainment. Why I’m so grateful about #MeToo – despite all the terrible stories – is that it has finally gotten to a point where everyone is listening. Where women feel brave, empowered and supported enough to share what has happen, to dare to say no.
2014 has come to an end, and what a year it was! A number of things happened in my life, and among them were leaving Mozilla and joining Google, and a bunch of great trips.
I’ve known about it some time, and Eric has been writing and sharing what has been happening along the way. I’ve been wanting to say things, have felt so sad for him and his entire family, have wanted to find a way to just make it go away.
Packing to move very soon. Tucked away in a cupboard I had saved an old jacket, for nostalgic purposes. I took it out, folded it to put it away, when I felt that there was some kind of paper in the pocket.
Now 2013 is over, 2014 has started, and it’s a new year with new possibilities, challenges and experiences. I thought I’d take a look back at what 2013 was like for me.
After I week in India I’ve been reminded why I travel around, meet people and give presentations. I see this amazing opportunity as a blessing, a unique chance to go out there and try to share and help people.
I’m currently in Porto Alege in South Brazil, to speak at the BrazilJS conference. It’s an excellent event, and speaking in a cinema to almost 1000 persons is very inspiring!
Recently I was traveling to San Francisco and Bogotá, Colombia, and I wrote frequent updates on Facebook. It seemed to be appreciated, so I’d like to share it in a collected form here.
People are always on the hunt for efficiency and control over the massive information flow they’re facing, and the latest fix for actually getting things done. Amidst all techniques and approaches, I thought I’d outline what at least works for me.
Today I got the tip on Twitter about a slide deck with information on how to create interesting presentations. Sounded like something I wanted to know more about, but when I went to the page and saw the first slide, I lost my interest.
In the world of social media, and with self-proclaimed experts on it popping up everywhere (some actually full of experience, some full of… something), it’s interesting to see how people act and how they value a Facebook Like.
Reading the heading, you’re probably thinking: “It’s a typo, it should be ‘Mobile and Social'”. But no. What I wanted to talk about is the behavior, the phenomenon, if you will, of the complete dependency people seem to have developed for their mobile phones, and how it affects their social behavior.
I sat there looking down on my hands. One day they would be as veiny and skinny as the hands on the old men sitting in the row in front of me. Over time, they will decay, hopefully with still some sense of proudness left in their owner.
Pearl Jam. I’ve always thought they are a good band, but not at the top of my list. However…
Last night I got to see something purely magical during their gig in Stockholm! They were amazing! Mind-blowing!
Since I lead a life with attending a lot of events and conferences, there’s something that has been on my mind for some time. But when you just think and don’t blog about it, you can be sure someone else will cover the topic before you, and in this case Ryan Funduk did so in Our Culture of Exclusion.
This morning, we were talking about the KONY 2012 movement, various reaction around it and how easy we share things without even looking at it. How our gut reaction is to act without even knowing what we’re acting on or reflect on what it means.
The end of a year. There’s so much to say and look back on, and at the same time I am already certain that I will temporarily forgot some of the amazing things that happened to me this year. For it was indeed a fantastic year!
If you’ve ever seen any of my presentations lately, I’ve been using these lovely Star Wars-inspired pictures to emphasize a point or just for plainly visually improving my slides. Today I’d like to tell you a little more about the pictures and the person behind them.
I’ve always been interested in reading all kinds of inspirational articles, blog posts and just fun things on the Internet, and most of the time I just tweet about it. But now, both for my sake and yours, I will write a weekly blog post listing the links for the latest week.
The TV Show Lost has aired its last episode ever. Sad times for me, and I thought I’d talk a little about what it has meant to me. WARNING! Below I will mention things you don’t want to know if you haven’t seen all episodes yet.
We rush away in our lives, whining about slow computers and constantly have more and more demands. Maybe it’s time to take one step back and look at the consequences of our desires.
It’s that time of year that should be spent with your loved ones no work, no obligations, just share some happiness with people who are special to you.
Experiences. We’ve all had them, right? Things that changed our lives, shaped us as human beings; they might have inspired us, or made us avoid something forever.
Wow. I can’t really believe these are my first words of blogging again in almost two months. It always feels a bit funny getting back in the saddle, but once there, I’m as happy as a butterfly on a flower!