Robert’s read January 31st 2012
It’s been a while since I last shared some good reading, but hey, it’s 2012 now, so I thought I’d share my first batch this year!
It’s been a while since I last shared some good reading, but hey, it’s 2012 now, so I thought I’d share my first batch this year!
Lots of good reading again that I’d like to share with you!
As part of making it easier to develop and analyze web pages, I previously released two extensions for Firebug: Firefinder and Inline Code Finder. I’m happy say they are now updated and are working with the latest versions of Firefox and Firebug!
Last week Microsoft released the HTML5 Extension for Windows Media Player Firefox Plug-in, and I have some thoughts about that.
I put a lot of time into ensuring web interface code quality, both for code in projects I work in and in doing code audits for other web sites. One of the best ways to find undesired inline styles, inline JavaScript events and javascript:
links, I believe, is my Inline Code Finder extension and now it’s available for Google Chrome as well!
I’m happy to announce that version 1.01 of Firefinder for Firebug is now released, with a number of new languages supported.
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of being invited by Mozilla to Prague to, amongst other things, discuss the future of Firefox.
Late last night I came home from the fantastic event that was Mozilla Camp Europe Prague, 3-4 October 2009, and I thought I’d tell you how my Prague visit was, what I thought of the event and my thinking about the sessions.
When I released Firefinder back in May, I had some ideas with what more I wanted to do with it. Now I can happily say that I have implemented those ideas!
Wow. I can’t really believe these are my first words of blogging again in almost two months. It always feels a bit funny getting back in the saddle, but once there, I’m as happy as a butterfly on a flower!
Firefox 3.5 was released yesterday, and it has already reached 5 and a half million of downloads (at the time of writing). Therefore, I thought I’d answer some common questions, especially from a web developer perspective about the new version and which web developer extensions which will work with it.
End of May/beginning of June will be very busy for me indeed. There will be a number of speaking engagements for me, and I’d like you to know about another one: Mozilla/Maemo Danish Weekend.
Beginning of June will be a very interesting time for developers in the Stockholm area. Not only do we have Geek Meet Charity June 4th but Mozilla will throw an event June 2nd as well!
I am very happy to say that an idea I’ve had for a while has finally been implemented: Firefinder for Firebug.
Over time, lots of people have developed the need to run web applications/sites in a stand-alone manner, and many major player try and cater to that.
As most of you know, I was in Berlin last weekend, giving a talk at Mozilla Add-Ons Workshop :: Berlin (MAOW Berlin 2009). It was great fun, and I thought I’d tell you more about the event and the trip.
About a couple of weeks ago, I was approached by a Mozilla employee suggesting I talk at one of their events.
I have just released a new version of my Firefox extension Inline Code Finder and made a personal download record! π
I haven’t worked with Visual Studio and .NET for a while, but in my current project that’s the platform. I downloaded a necessary update, and as it turned out, Microsoft hit a new low…
Admit that you have always wanted to know how to develop a Firefox extension but never had the time to learn. π Here I will walk you through and at the end of the article we will have created a fully functional Firefox extension!
Most of you probably know about photo sharing at Flickr, and share and/or view your friends’ and families’ photos there. In my humble opinion, though, their set/gallery view could offer a better experience, and therefore I’ve set out to improve it with Flickr Gallery Plus!
When I first coded and released Obtrusive JavaScript Checker, I had some more ideas with it, as well as some great feedback I have received and wanted to see to. The result is Inline Code Finder, which looks for inline styling as well as what the Obtrusive JavaScript Checker offered, and it comes in two versions!