When I got started with blogging back in 2005, I had been an interface developer for the web since 1999. The big challenges back in 2005 were convincing developers and companies to make sure that things worked in more than one web browser, and that JavaScript wasn't evil and actually pretty competent. And now, in 2018, it's back to the cross-browser support story again (JavaScript seems to be doing fine).
Having spent almost 20 years working on the web, it is something I strongly believe and am invested in. Therefore, when I see or am part of initiatives that I think will help developers and the web platform out there, it makes me very excited! And last week I got very reminded about how good that thing can be.
We would like to, in a factual manner, break down what the possible outcomes of having a majority of web browsers based on WebKit are, for web browser vendors and developers alike.
One thing which has been very important when it comes to creating special end user experiences have been the ability to show something fullscreen, effectively hiding all the other content etc.
The desired future approach for storing things client-side in web browsers is utilizing IndexedDB. Here I’ll walk you through how to store images and files in IndexedDB and then present them through an ObjectURL.
The last week I’ve been contemplating whether to write anything or not about the situation with web browser vendor prefixes in CSS. I decided to share my thoughts on the problem and possible solutions.
First idea was to publish these posts on a regular schedule, but I’ve realized now it will be when I have enough good links (and time :-). Tons of links now, so, here goes – another issue of Robert’s read!
The web is for the people, and I believe the web is the most important medium we have. Recently, there has been some discussion about the web vs. other platforms, so I’d like to present my thoughts.
As part of making it easier to develop and analyze web pages, I previously released two extensions for Firebug: Firefinder and Inline Code Finder. I’m happy say they are now updated and are working with the latest versions of Firefox and Firebug!
I’ve always been interested in reading all kinds of inspirational articles, blog posts and just fun things on the Internet, and most of the time I just tweet about it. But now, both for my sake and yours, I will write a weekly blog post listing the links for the latest week.
Forms on the web. They are literally everywhere, and there seem to really be all kind of flavors for them. From day one they have been a great mean for users to input data and information and interact with various services. And what comes with that is every implementation under the sun to offer validation for them, custom display and functionality if they aren’t native in that specific web browser, and much much more. Therefore, during the development phase of HTML5, one of the important things that have been looked into is making forms on the web evolve into what both end users and developers need to make things easier. Why would every web developer have to invent the wheel again or include tons of JavaScript code just to make something very basic like a datepicker work?
When the AJAX wave came in 2005 when Jesse James Garrett coined the term and then everyone wanted it, one of the major shortcomings was that dynamic updates of only portions of a web page lead to inconsistent history handling and back/forward navigation button problems in web browsers and poor end user experiences. Enter the HTML5 History API.
Keeping track of multiple logins, passwords and services on Internet can be tedious at best, and projects like OpenID have tried to target that and make it easier and more secure for end users. Learning the lessons from OpenId and having a multitude of ideas how this can be made even better, Mozilla Labs has created BrowserID.
Looking at HTML5 and the placeholder functionality, it’s there to offer a hint to the user before they have started filling out something. But what if that’s not the best way?
I’m currently in Las Vegas for Microsoft’s MIX conference where they just showed the first version of Internet Explorer 10. Given what they announced, I have some thoughts.
A common discussion about HTML5 and whether to use it, and touched on in the HTML5 Hurdles article, is usually about fallback support and making it work in every web browser. But do we really need that?
This morning I was notified of an article about the download rate of IE9 by Ryan Gavin, Senior Director, Internet Explorer Business and Marketing. I had to check the date to see that it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke; alas, it wasn’t, so here’s my reply.
Yesterday I attended the Stockholm Web Monkeys’ spring 2011 meetup in Stockholm, and I gave a short presentation and led a discussion about HTML5 – What’s good, what’s missing, web browser implementation takes.
I should have written about this long ago, but better late than never – time to share my experiences. Typography is an important part of user experience, and with CSS3 @font-face we can offer users any font we want to.
With HTML5 video and the current support in web browsers, we need to cater to different codecs, and fallbacks for web browsers with no native video support. This is where Video JS steps in.
To me, something about HTML5 that makes it quite interesting is all the new support for file interaction. I’ve written about the File API and reading file information before, and I thought I’d expand on that and add uploads and progress bars.
With the myriad of devices, web browsers and screen sizes out there, we need a way to to be able to easy detect how we want to layout a web page for them. This is now offered to us through Media Queries in CSS3.
I continually talk about HTML5 and how progressive enhancement is a simple approach to make any new behavior possible in web browsers that haven’t implemented it yet. I thought I’d show you a simple example how to do this with the new placeholder attribute for input elements.
A couple of days ago, Apple announced support for developing extensions, so I felt obliged to implement my HTML Validator extension for Safari too. π
I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I’m saying something really really important has happened for the future of the Open Web. Finally, it looks like there might be a solution to the video codecs and patent encumbered alternatives we have been dealing with.