HTML5 and CSS3 tests and compatibility tables, updated
I wrote about it on Twitter last week (follow me on Twitter!), but naturally I should mention it here too, my dear readers. With new input from testing Internet Explorer 9 and from the Opera team, I have updated my HTML5 tests and compatibility tables and CSS3 tests and compatibility tables.
The test and compatibility pages consist of a couple of things I find important:
- Web browser version number from where support has been implemented for that feature (and is actually working).
- Live examples running in your web browser, so you can see if it works, and the expected results.
- The code shown below the example with color-coding, so you don’t have to do the View Source-dance for each page.
So, please make good use of them, and let me know if there is any information you believe to be incorrect.
Now, go try it out:
CSS Gradients coming to Opera in the next release –
Yes, and when it’s released, I’ll add it to the tables and tests. Good by Opera!