Having spent almost 20 years working on the web, it is something I strongly believe and am invested in. Therefore, when I see or am part of initiatives that I think will help developers and the web platform out there, it makes me very excited! And last week I got very reminded about how good that thing can be.
Let me start by saying that I truly love the Stockholm web scene. So many talented and dedicated people, a bunch of great start-ups and a load of things going on.
Now 2013 is over, 2014 has started, and it’s a new year with new possibilities, challenges and experiences. I thought I’d take a look back at what 2013 was like for me.
I’ve always loved blogging, writing about things I’m interested in and then sharing and discussing it with like-minded people! Sometimes passionately agreeing, sometimes not so much. π But I believe the discussion has always been good, and as long as it’s respectful, it’s quite constructive and an excellent base for building relations and bonds with people.
The end of a year. There’s so much to say and look back on, and at the same time I am already certain that I will temporarily forgot some of the amazing things that happened to me this year. For it was indeed a fantastic year!
First idea was to publish these posts on a regular schedule, but I’ve realized now it will be when I have enough good links (and time :-). Tons of links now, so, here goes – another issue of Robert’s read!
The web is for the people, and I believe the web is the most important medium we have. Recently, there has been some discussion about the web vs. other platforms, so I’d like to present my thoughts.
I’ve always been interested in reading all kinds of inspirational articles, blog posts and just fun things on the Internet, and most of the time I just tweet about it. But now, both for my sake and yours, I will write a weekly blog post listing the links for the latest week.
When the AJAX wave came in 2005 when Jesse James Garrett coined the term and then everyone wanted it, one of the major shortcomings was that dynamic updates of only portions of a web page lead to inconsistent history handling and back/forward navigation button problems in web browsers and poor end user experiences. Enter the HTML5 History API.
Keeping track of multiple logins, passwords and services on Internet can be tedious at best, and projects like OpenID have tried to target that and make it easier and more secure for end users. Learning the lessons from OpenId and having a multitude of ideas how this can be made even better, Mozilla Labs has created BrowserID.
I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I’m saying something really really important has happened for the future of the Open Web. Finally, it looks like there might be a solution to the video codecs and patent encumbered alternatives we have been dealing with.
There has been discussions about allowing CSS to help developers create smooth transitions of CSS properties for elements, and it’s something being specified in CSS3 in W3C CSS Transitions Module Level 3. Here I’m going to show you how to implement it in Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari & Opera.
A constant drag when developing web sites have been when the end user wants to upload files to it. Luckily, though, those problems are to come to an end due to the File API.
When performing advanced load-heavy operations in a web browser, both the web page it is run in as well as the web browser UI becomes unresponsive till it’s finished. However, there’s a way to address that with HTML5 Web Workers.
More and more services around us focus on where we physically are located at the moment, and how we can be assisted in the best fashion depending on that. Today I’d like to introduce the geolocation possibilities we developers have, and also play around a little with Google maps.
Man has always been inspired by things moving around and giving away noises, so it was just a matter of time before video content showed up on the web. For a number of years, Flash was the de-facto standard of showing video, but now, with HTML5, the video element has made its way into our lives.
One of the most common problem on the web is slow web sites, wasting he time of end users. Now, perhaps, Mozilla has come up with a solution for this, which will be applicable for all web browser vendors.
In our world of developing web sites, it is always interesting with web browser statistics, and how some people view them. Pair that with a new player in the market and various opinions about its success.
Late last night I came home from the fantastic event that was Mozilla Camp Europe Prague, 3-4 October 2009, and I thought I’d tell you how my Prague visit was, what I thought of the event and my thinking about the sessions.
When I released Firefinder back in May, I had some ideas with what more I wanted to do with it. Now I can happily say that I have implemented those ideas!
Wow. I can’t really believe these are my first words of blogging again in almost two months. It always feels a bit funny getting back in the saddle, but once there, I’m as happy as a butterfly on a flower!
Firefox 3.5 was released yesterday, and it has already reached 5 and a half million of downloads (at the time of writing). Therefore, I thought I’d answer some common questions, especially from a web developer perspective about the new version and which web developer extensions which will work with it.
With the impending release of Firefox 3.5, I thought I’d cover the new things in JavaScript 1.8.1 – part of that is the very exciting support for native JSON, and you know what? They’re not the only ones supporting it!
End of May/beginning of June will be very busy for me indeed. There will be a number of speaking engagements for me, and I’d like you to know about another one: Mozilla/Maemo Danish Weekend.
Beginning of June will be a very interesting time for developers in the Stockholm area. Not only do we have Geek Meet Charity June 4th but Mozilla will throw an event June 2nd as well!
Lately I’ve been investigating newer versions of JavaScript, and what web browser support they have. And, as usual when I create something I find useful, I want to share it with the world. π
Admit that you have always wanted to know how to develop a Firefox extension but never had the time to learn. π Here I will walk you through and at the end of the article we will have created a fully functional Firefox extension!