
What is it?

Firefinder is an extension to Firebug (in Firefox) and offers the functionality to, in a quick way, find HTML elements matching chosen CSS selector(s) or XPath expression. It allows you to instantly test your CSS selectors in the page while seeing the content at the same time, and matching elements will be highlighted.

Additionally, you can auto-select elements when hovering or via the context menu.

A picture of Firefinder for Firebug with its result list

Code collaboration with the FriendlyFire feature

The best and most efficient way to share code with a friend or colleague is through a pastebin. Firefinder via its FriendlyFire feature offers you to swiftly share your code by clicking the FriendlyFire link for a matching element.

Its code will then be sent to the JS Bin pastebin, and Firefinder will present the public URL to it and a way to quickly copy it.

A picture of the FriendlyFire workflow


A picture of Firefinder when the FriendlyFire feature has been invoked

Inspect element

Per matching HTML element, you can click the Inspect link to immediately be taken to the corresponding element in Firebug’s HTML tab.

Matching elements and highlight

Firefinder offers you a count of how many matches there are – good for checking, for instance, the number of heading elements – and it also lists all the matching in a collapsible list in the Firefinder panel in Firebug. When you hover each item in that list, the corresponding element in the web page will be highlighted so you see which one it is.

How to use it

If you are in a web page and want to quickly use Firefinder, just press Ctrl + Shift + V on PC/Linux, Command + Shift + V on Macs, and the Firefinder panel will become visible and you can type away immediately.

Another option is naturally to first open up Firebug and then click the Firefinder panel.

Demo video

Below is a demo video of using Firefinder and the FriendlyFire feature:

There should be a video demo of using Firefinder and the FriendlyFire feature here. You need Flash to see it.


Download Firefinder for Firebug and get started!


Have any problems, questions or suggestions? Visit the Firefinder Google discussion group.