Geek Meet January 2014 with Ade Oshineye

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All seats have been taken. Please write a comment to be put on a waiting list, there are always a number of cancellations, so there’s still a chance.

It’s finally time for another Geek Meet! Man, it’s been a while, but now it’s actually happening again!

Introducing Ade Oshineye

I’m proud to introduce Ade Oshineye (Twitter, Google+), Developer Advocate at Google. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Ade present and to learn from him, and happy to have him come to Stockholm and talk at Geek Meet.

He works on the stack of protocols, standards and APIs that power the social web, which in practice means looking after the Google+ APIs and +1 button with a focus on Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). He’s also the co-author of O’Reilly’s “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman” and part of the small team behind, which is an attempt to successfully apply the techniques of user experience professionals to products and tools for developers.

The presentations

Ade will give two presentations during the evening:

Cross-context user journeys

In this talk he will explore the problem of cross-context user journeys. These are user journeys which cross devices (imagine starting your shopping list on your home machine and finishing it on your work computer), contexts (for example desktop to mobile or app to web site) and platforms (a user with an Android phone and an iPad).

He’ll show you how:

  • Embedded webviews are becoming the world’s most popular browsers
  • What happens when you don’t test your site in new contexts (such as inside apps like Google+,GMail, Facebook and Twitter)
  • The limits of responsive design
  • How to cross contexts using technologies like x-callback-url, deep
  • Links, intents and identity via social login

Using Youtube & Freebase to build recommendation systems

In this talk he’ll show you how to use Youtube watch history and the Freebase ontology to build a simple recommendation system. We’ll walk through the code for the system and talk about how you can build similar things using these datasets and datasets you already own.

Time & place

This Geek Meet will be sponsored by Creuna, and will take place January 30th at 18:00 in their office at Kungsholmsgatan 23 in Stockholm. Creuna will also provide beer/wine and pizza to every attendee, all free of charge.

Sign up now!

Please sign up with a comment below. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. There are 150 seats available, and you can only sign up yourself. Please use a valid name and e-mail address, since this will be used to identify you at the event to get in.

Follow Geek Meet

Geek Meet is available in a number of channels:

The hash tag used is #geekmeetsthlm.

Sold out

All seats have been taken. Please write a comment to be put on a waiting list, there are always a number of cancellations, so there’s still a chance.


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