How do I use it in a web page?
Include JavaScript files
Start by including the latest version of jQuery (Minified version suggested):
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
Then, include the PictureSlides file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/PictureSlides-jquery-2.0.js"></script>
Then, within the web page or a separate JavaScript file, you can customize how PictureSlides should work and how it should be presented. You can also have any number of slideshows in the same page.
Create an HTML page
Create a web page where you put all the HTML that you want to use. This is example HTML prepared for being used with PictureSlides. NOTE! Each slideshow has to be surrounded with an element with the class picture-slides-container
<div class="picture-slides-container"> <div class="picture-slides-fade-container"> <a class="picture-slides-image-link"><img class="picture-slides-image" src="pictures/1.jpg" alt="This is picture 1" /></a> </div> <div class="picture-slides-image-text">This is picture 1</div> <div class="navigation-controls"> <span class="picture-slides-previous-image">Previous</span> <span class="picture-slides-image-counter"></span> <span class="picture-slides-next-image">Next</span> <span class="picture-slides-start-slideshow">Start slideshow</span> <span class="picture-slides-stop-slideshow">Stop slideshow</span> </div> <ul class="picture-slides-thumbnails"> <li><a href="pictures/1.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/1.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/2.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/2.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/3.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/3.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/4.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/4.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/5.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/5.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/6.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/6.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/7.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/7.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="pictures/8.jpg"><img src="thumbnails/8.jpg" alt="" /></a></li> </ul> </div>
Create JavaScript code
Then, for each slideshow you want, generate a PictureSlides JavaScript block to create all the settings. For example:
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.PictureSlides.set({ // Switches to decide what features to use useFadingIn : true, useFadingOut : true, useFadeWhenNotSlideshow : true, useFadeForSlideshow : true, useDimBackgroundForSlideshow : true, loopSlideshow : false, usePreloading : true, useAltAsTooltip : true, useTextAsTooltip : false, // Fading settings fadeTime : 500, // Milliseconds timeForSlideInSlideshow : 2000, // Milliseconds // At page load startIndex : 1, startSlideShowFromBeginning : true, startSlideshowAtLoad : false, dimBackgroundAtLoad : false, // Large images to use and thumbnail settings images : [ { image : "pictures/1.jpg", alt : "Picture 1", text : "This is picture 1" }, { image : "pictures/2.jpg", alt : "Picture 2", text : "This is picture 2", url : "" }, { image : "pictures/3.jpg", alt : "Picture 3", text : "This is picture 3", url : "" } // NOTE! No comma after the last object ], thumbnailActivationEvent : "click", // Classes of HTML elements to use mainImageClass : "picture-slides-image", // Mandatory imageLinkClass : "picture-slides-image-link", fadeContainerClass : "picture-slides-fade-container", imageTextContainerClass : "picture-slides-image-text", previousLinkClass : "picture-slides-previous-image", nextLinkClass : "picture-slides-next-image", imageCounterClass : "picture-slides-image-counter", startSlideShowClass : "picture-slides-start-slideshow", stopSlideShowClass : "picture-slides-stop-slideshow", thumbnailContainerClass: "picture-slides-thumbnails", dimBackgroundOverlayClass : "picture-slides-dim-overlay" }); </script>
The most interesting part above is where you define what images should be used, what text they should have, and if they should link somewhere when being clicked:
images : [ { // Path to large image image : "pictures/1.jpg", // Alternative text for large image alt : "Picture 1", // Descriptive text of large image text : "This is picture 1", // Optional. URL to link large image to url : "" }, { image : "pictures/2.jpg", alt : "Picture 2", text : "This is picture 2", url : "" }, { image : "pictures/3.jpg", alt : "Picture 3", text : "This is picture 3", url : "" } // NOTE! No comma after the last object ]
Most likely, you will want to dynamically generate the image code above on the server through ASP.NET or PHP. To do that, just create an array like above code (after the PictureSlides JavaScript file has been included):
Settings and parameters
useFadingIn : true
- If fading in should be used.
useFadingOut : true
- If fading out should be used.
useFadeWhenNotSlideshow : true
- If fading should be used when changing image and it is not during a slideshow.
useFadeForSlideshow : true
- If fading should be used during a slideshow.
useDimBackgroundForSlideshow : true
- If the background document should be dimmed out during a slideshow.
loopSlideshow : true
- If the slideshow should loop and start all over.
usePreloading : true
- If the large images should be preloaded, to get a smoother user experience. Lots of large images and using preloading will result in a larger server load.
useAltAsTooltip : true
- If respective image's alt text should also be used as its tooltip text.
useTextAsTooltip : true
- If respective image's description text should also be used as its tooltip text.
fadeTime : 500
- How long each slide's fade time is. Set in milliseconds, e.g. 1000 = 1 second.
timeForSlideInSlideshow : 2000
- How long each slide is shown in a slideshow. Set in milliseconds, e.g. 1000 = 1 second.
startIndex : 1
- What image to start with. 1 = is the first image, and so on.
startSlideShowFromBeginning : 1
- If the slideshow should start from the first image, or the currently selected one.
startSlideshowAtLoad : false
- If the slideshow should start playing automatically as soon as the page has loaded.
dimBackgroundAtLoad : false
- If the background should be dimmed out as soon as the page has loaded.
images : // Please see example code above
- What images to use, what text they should have, and if they should link anywhere.
thumbnailActivationEvent : "click"
- What event on a thumbnail should change the large image to that one. E.g. "click", "mouseover".
mainImageClass : "picture-slides-image"
- The
of the HTML element which is the main image element. mainImageFailedToLoadClass : "picture-slides-image-load-fail"
- The
of the HTML element to display if the loading of the large image fails. imageLinkClass : "picture-slides-image-link"
- The
of the HTML element which is the link around the main image element. fadeContainerClass : "picture-slides-fade-container"
- The
of the HTML element containing the main image and text, and will fade in/out if enabled. imageTextContainerClass : "picture-slides-image-text"
- The
of the HTML element containing the image text. previousLinkClass : "picture-slides-previous-image"
- The
of the HTML element which is the previous image link. nextLinkClass : "picture-slides-next-image"
- The
of the HTML element whcih is the next image link. imageCounterClass : "picture-slides-image-counter"
- The
of the HTML element showing the image counter. startSlideShowClass : "picture-slides-start-slideshow"
- The
of the HTML element which is the link to start the slideshow. stopSlideShowClass : "picture-slides-stop-slideshow"
- The
of the HTML element which is the link to stop the slideshow. thumbnailContainerClass: "picture-slides-thumbnails"
- The
of the HTML element containing all the thumbnail links and images. dimBackgroundOverlayClass : "picture-slides-dim-overlay"
- The
of the HTML element which will be used to dim the background.
Class names applied in the script
In general no class names are applied, except for these:
- The chosen thumbnail's parent link, which will get the class:
- The navigation links (Previous/Next) which will get the class name
, if you can't navigate more in that direction - The
will also get the classpicture-slides-dimmed-background
when the background is dimmed out