Best pictures of me in 2007

Totally narcissistic, but looking through the pictures from 2007, I found two of my favorites depicting me.

Of course I should have chosen some pictures of me and my family, looking all happy, but I think you will prefer these. I chose them because I find them funny, and most, just unexpected and unusual from all other pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚

A picture of me and Niklas Lindstrรƒยถm in Garda

A picture of me in a wet suit in Garda


  • Steven Clark says:

    Robert, in any hollywood movie about your life and times as a standardista fighting the good fight I am sure you will be hereafter depicted on the big screen in a bright red and black wetsuit…

    thankfully you weren't like superman who was so nervous on his first day on the job that he work his underpants on the outside (like a true geek).

    although I do like the buffy style vampire pose in the first one too ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Steven Clark says:

    mmm that would be "wore" his underpants on the outside lol…

    then again, could that photo be a CSI / Flipper mashup? I feel a meme coming on (or did they die quietly via web garotte?)…

  • Matt Robin says:

    These are classic, and you get to eat Roger Johansson in that first photo!

    ….Oh wait, I don't think that's Roger (but that's how I see it!!! Hahaha!)

  • Andy says:

    I laughed when I scrolled down and saw the wetsuit. Great photos, man.

  • Robert Nyman says:

    Thanks guys!


    The Hollywood movie would rather be about the Amazing Roger, and his bald disgusting wet suit sidekick… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Why I like the other picture is rather the serenity of the other guy, than my attack. Like, he knows he’s going to die, and has come to terms with it. ๐Ÿ˜›


    That’s exactly how you should see it. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Good! ๐Ÿ™‚

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