One million downloads for getElementsByClassName

When a developer writes code, it is usually for the challenge, the obstacles to beat and the rush of solving a problem. But also, when your code becomes popular is quite a kick as well.

I hadn’t checked the statistics for some time for my getElementsByClassName code, so you can just guess my surprise when I saw it has passed one million downloads! πŸ™‚

At the time of writing, the code has been downloaded 1 029 433 times! Last time I looked, sometime during spring, I vaguely remember it was somewhere between 100 000 and 200 000. It might have gained some recent popularity, but still, that’s quite a push. With one million now, it kind of leads me to suspect it has been hot-linked, but as far as I know, hotlinking to the provided download at Google code (which holds the download statistics) isn’t possible, since it should prompt you with a dialog. And it’s Google – I have to be able to trust them, right? πŸ™‚

So, until I learn more or something else is proven, getElementsByClassName has been downloaded a million times. Yay! πŸ™‚


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