Geek Meet September 2010 with Bruce Lawson!

Time for the first Geek Meet this fall! Can you believe it’s been four months since the last one? This time around, it’s time to bring in a guest from the UK.

The speaker

This time around, I’m proud to bring you the wonderful Bruce Lawson! He’s an evangelist for Opera for open web standards, co-wrote the great book Introducing HTML5 and is without a doubt an adventurer.

The presentations

The talks Bruce will be giving are:

  • Democratising and future-proofing the Web
  • Live coding demo of HTML5 semantics

The schedule

The schedule of the Geek Meet evening looks like this:

  • 18:00 Mingle and getting your seats. Show up at this time.
  • 18:30 First talk
  • 19:15 Pizza and drinks (beer & wine)
  • 20:15 Second talk
  • 21:15-ish Mingle, and getting to know each other. 🙂

Date & Location

Geek Meet May will take place September 20th 2010, and it is hosted by Creuna. The location is Kungsholmsgatan 23 in Stockholm.

Raising money

As some of you might be aware of, my friend Remy Sharp and his wife Julie tragically lost their baby daughter at the end of August. Remy has given so much to me personally in form of helping out, teaching and sharing code and overall always being a top friend to depend on, and I’m sure a lot of you have had use of his code, research and findings that he has graciously given to the web community – and maybe you saw him present at Geek Meet a year ago, a trip he paid for himself just to come here.

Geek Meet will cost 100 SEK to attend this time, where all of it will go to Remy and Julie for them to use to do something for children locally where they live, such as putting a much needed climbing frame in a children’s park. They want to help make other children happy in the name of Tia, which I really think is commendable.

Please bring 100 SEK in cash to the door at Geek Meet to be able to get in.

Sign up now!

There are 150 seats available, so write a comment below now to get one! Please please make sure you know you can attend before you write a comment.

Sold out!

All sold out! Please write a comment to be put on a waiting list.


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