Today I got the tip on Twitter about a slide deck with information on how to create interesting presentations. Sounded like something I wanted to know more about, but when I went to the page and saw the first slide, I lost my interest.
Today I got the tip on Twitter about a slide deck with information on how to create interesting presentations. Sounded like something I wanted to know more about, but when I went to the page and saw the first slide, I lost my interest.
In a world of communicating with our devices, voice control seem to have gotten a lot of attention. But is that really what we want?
Having learned HTML in the 1990s, I’ve always felt very comfortable with it and I’ve used plain text or HTML in text editors for as long as I can remember when I’ve been writing something. However, I’ve finally taken the plunge into Markdown now.
In the world of social media, and with self-proclaimed experts on it popping up everywhere (some actually full of experience, some full of… something), it’s interesting to see how people act and how they value a Facebook Like.
All seats have been taken. Please write a comment to be put on a waiting list, there are always a number of cancellations, so there’s still a chance.
Geek Meet has been moved to January 16th.
Time to announce the first Geek Meet of 2013! I had plans on doing it at the end of this year, but with Christmas and surrounding activities for a lot of people, I decided to have it early next year instead.
This article is also available in Czech, Ukrainian and German.
Reading the heading, you’re probably thinking: “It’s a typo, it should be ‘Mobile and Social'”. But no. What I wanted to talk about is the behavior, the phenomenon, if you will, of the complete dependency people seem to have developed for their mobile phones, and how it affects their social behavior.