For a time now, I’ve wanted to read an advanced book about JavaScript, to perhaps fill in the blanks, and to get some inspiration and different perspective on how to implement various features.
Ever been in the situation where you want to put some HTML on top of Flash movie? You’ve cursed the designers for using Flash, and stated that it is impossible? If that’s the case, I’ll advise you to reconsider.
Per Zimmerman made me aware of the fact that I wasn’t as consistent when checking for names and whitespace in the addClass and removeClass as I am in the hasClass method, so this has been fixed to address any potential issues you might have had. Just download the DOMAssistantCSS JavaScript file and you should be good to go. 🙂
The DOMAssistantCompressed JavaScript file has been updated. My compression approach was a little too effective for the special DOMReady fix for Internet Explorer, so necessary code for optimal performance was unfortunately removed. This has now been addressed, so please download the new version if you use the compressed file.
Updated October 19th 2007
The DOMAssistantCompressed JavaScript file is updated again. I noticed a problem with the elmsByAttribute method in IE where the compression resulted in a wrong reference, returning incorrect results. Download the new version and it will be fine.
When I released my EJ code, while I felt that it contained very useful functions, it didn’t feel properly packaged. Also, I’ve always wanted a proper base to stand on for various DOM interaction, so I didn’t have to start from scratch in every project.
Some people like to proclaim that the so-called web standards war, i.e. a wide-spread usage of web standards, is over. Let me take a couple of web sites as example why I don’t agree:
Firefox, The Little Memory Hog lived happily together with his family, the Mozillas, in a land far far away. Firefox had now turned and it was time to attend kindergarten.
The hunt for getting a good search engine ranking affects more and more companies. A higher ranking equals more visitors equals (most likely) more customers. More customers, in turn, equals more money, which is what business is about.
But sometimes, the hunt hurts the quality of a web site.
Recently I got a bug report from marketing (don’t all bug reports come from there? 😉 ), about an unexpected problem in Firefox in Mac OS X. The end users had problems tabbing through the web page, and especially through forms. Since I, at the time, sat on a PC, I couldn’t test with my settings, although I knew I hadn’t seen the problem on my Mac at home.
If you develop a web page nowadays, you don’t use br tags, right? Or do you? And if you do, is it wrong, or the most efficient and pragmatic way to implement a desired line break in some text?
Let’s take a look at this from a number of perspectives:
Once every now and then you come across code that is so ghastly, so terrible, that it almost makes you go blind! While fighting the pain, you (think) you can be almost sure of one thing: this must have been done on purpose!
Ok, this might scare you a little, but I had the weirdest dream just before I woke up this morning. I (don’t?) hope that anyone of you are good at interpreting dreams, so here goes:
Last night we had yet another Geek Meet, Geek Meet January 2007, in Stockholm, and a staggering 40 people showed up! I’m really happy that people keep coming back as well as new ones getting interested and showing up.
As you might now, yesterday Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 started with his keynote address. I thought I’d cover the new products, my opinion about them and the Apple hype.
In November last year, Aleksandar Vacić wrote his post Insert HTML page into another HTML page (found through No more iframes?). Basically, what it is about is finding a way to use an object element instead of an iframe to get the correct behavior in Internet Explorer.
Right about now, I guess your questions are why, how and is it necessary?