Speaking at Codebits in Lisbon, Portugal
Next stop on my little European tour is Codebits in Lisbon, Portugal!
Next stop on my little European tour is Codebits in Lisbon, Portugal!
Usually blog posts with the words “problem, “considered harmful” and similar are just crying foul, but I would like to bring up something I actually believe is/will become a real problem: HTML5 syntax options.
I’m (almost) just back from Full Frontal 09, and man, did I have a good time! 🙂
About a week and a half ago, I had the pleasure of speaking at JSConf.eu!
One of the most common problem on the web is slow web sites, wasting he time of end users. Now, perhaps, Mozilla has come up with a solution for this, which will be applicable for all web browser vendors.
Week before last, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at two conferences. With even more conferences in the pipe, last week was pretty intense, work-wise, to cover up for that, but now I thought I’d take the time to talk about them, starting in this post with the Øredev 2009 conference.
Today is a very special day, for many reasons, but the one I wanted to bring up is Firefox turning five years old!
I’m very happy to say that I will speak at at, and participate in, JSConf.eu in Berlin this upcoming weekend!