The other week I got one of those calls I’m sure a lot of you get as well.
The other week I got one of those calls I’m sure a lot of you get as well.
Friday night last week I had the immense pleasure of seeing AC/DC live in quite some time!
For the fifth year in a row, I’ve been watching all five movies nominated in the Oscar Academy Awards Best Motion Picture of the Year category, to know if the winning actually was the best one.
For anyone focusing on SEO and duplicate content indexing, i.e. the same page indexed with several URLs, thus having a negative page rank impact, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft now all support the canonical relation on link
IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in.
What! The! Fuck!
The discussion seems to come up at different companies whether they should blog, use Twitter, build a Facebook app and so on. I thought I’d express my views on it.
This proposal might seem a bit drastic, but please allow me to present my case.
I have just released a new version of my Firefox extension Inline Code Finder and made a personal download record! 🙂
Yesterday, IE 7, once again, pushed me to the brink of going postal. Refusing to give up, I finally managed to find the problem.
During the fall, I put a fair amount into writing an article for the Opera Web Standards Curriculum, and now it has finally seen the light: Handling events with JavaScript!
There are times when people try to do the right thing and contribute, and in my book, Stockholm Sweden Twestival 2009 is something which looks just about right.