The other day when I wrote Using CSS3 Transitions To Create Rich Effects I was thinking of nice ways to apply this. One of the things that came up was creating the Mac OS X Stacks behavior entirely in CSS!
When writing JavaScripts for a web page, since the beginning of time, web developers have had the need to store extra data for HTML elements. I remember reading about custom data attributes in HTML5 some time ago, and recently Remy reminded me about them – they are here to save us!
There has been discussions about allowing CSS to help developers create smooth transitions of CSS properties for elements, and it’s something being specified in CSS3 in W3C CSS Transitions Module Level 3. Here I’m going to show you how to implement it in Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari & Opera.
A constant drag when developing web sites have been when the end user wants to upload files to it. Luckily, though, those problems are to come to an end due to the File API.
As an Interface Developer, it has always been a challenge to make the designers’ dreams come true, especially when it comes to shadows, gradients and various level of transparency. Slicing images till no end, trying to make it look good. Nowadays, though, a nice alternative is to do it with CSS.
In a world where we carry our computers/Internet-connected devices with us all around, we’re bound to lose connection now and then but still want to be able to continue our work. That is where Offline Web Applications steps in.
June 2-3 third this year a number of high-profile speakers are coming to Stockholm, Sweden, to talk at the SWDC 2010 conference, organized by Peter Svensson (who also organizes the GTUG events in Stockholm).
There’s an inner beauty of HTML code that I can never seem to get away from. The wonderful world of semantics – choosing the right element for the right task, something that conveys meaning, makes it more accessible and strikes the perfect balance of different parts of a web page. Which moves us on to Content Management Systems.
Validating HTML is very important to ensure maximum web browser and operating system compatibility, and making sure it is ready for CSS and JavaScript code to interact with it. Therefore, I have created an HTML Validator for Google Chrome.