Looking back at 2010 – Happy New Year 2011!
The year is coming to an end, so what better time to take a nice cup of tea and go into nostalgic mode to write up a summary.
The year is coming to an end, so what better time to take a nice cup of tea and go into nostalgic mode to write up a summary.
Christmas time!
With HTML5 video and the current support in web browsers, we need to cater to different codecs, and fallbacks for web browsers with no native video
support. This is where Video JS steps in.
Last week Microsoft released the HTML5 Extension for Windows Media Player Firefox Plug-in, and I have some thoughts about that.
To me, something about HTML5 that makes it quite interesting is all the new support for file interaction. I’ve written about the File API and reading file information before, and I thought I’d expand on that and add uploads and progress bars.
Doing layouts on the web has always been hard, but it seems like we’re getting a better option to do it now.