Posts in the "" Category

Introducing Robert’s read: great links and suggestions from latest week, August 17th 2011

I’ve always been interested in reading all kinds of inspirational articles, blog posts and just fun things on the Internet, and most of the time I just tweet about it. But now, both for my sake and yours, I will write a weekly blog post listing the links for the latest week.

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HTML5 Forms input types, attributes and new elements – demos, tips and tricks

Forms on the web. They are literally everywhere, and there seem to really be all kind of flavors for them. From day one they have been a great mean for users to input data and information and interact with various services. And what comes with that is every implementation under the sun to offer validation for them, custom display and functionality if they aren’t native in that specific web browser, and much much more. Therefore, during the development phase of HTML5, one of the important things that have been looked into is making forms on the web evolve into what both end users and developers need to make things easier. Why would every web developer have to invent the wheel again or include tons of JavaScript code just to make something very basic like a datepicker work?

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HTML5 History API and improving end user experience

When the AJAX wave came in 2005 when Jesse James Garrett coined the term and then everyone wanted it, one of the major shortcomings was that dynamic updates of only portions of a web page lead to inconsistent history handling and back/forward navigation button problems in web browsers and poor end user experiences. Enter the HTML5 History API.

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